In the 70's a Bethel Elder told me that every morning in the 60's the Paint and Scaffold crew, (which was located on the 5th floor of Building 4) would go up to the roof and walk around the perimeter on top of the ledge, which I doubt was more than 12" wide. Then they'd go render sacred service to Jehovah.
was a new boy
JoinedPosts by was a new boy
BadAss Bethelites, did they really peak in the 1960's?
by was a new boy inin the 70's a bethel elder told me that every morning in the 60's the paint and scaffold crew, (which was located on the 5th floor of building 4) would go up to the roof and walk around the perimeter on top of the ledge, which i doubt was more than 12" wide.
then they'd go render sacred service to jehovah..
was a new boy
Are Paul and Peter really comfortable with the amount of their research, before joining the Southern Baptist Convention?
by was a new boy inboth went from jw land to the southern baptist convention.. yes, we're all tribal, do some just say, 'to hell with it, i'll just roll the dice?'.
southern baptists have some real problems on how they've handled child sex abuse cases.. .
paul blizard's ex jehovah's witness testimony: a 3rd generation jw, a pioneer, & a former bethelite.
was a new boy
Both went from JW Land to the Southern Baptist Convention.
Yes, we're all tribal, do some just say, 'To hell with it, I'll just roll the dice?'Southern Baptists have some real problems on how they've handled child sex abuse cases.Paul Blizard's Ex Jehovah's Witness Testimony: A 3rd Generation JW, a Pioneer, & a Former Bethelite1:43:52 Paul says, 'I became a Southern Baptist.'And, 'ConclusionOn Sunday, July 27, on his eightieth birthday, Peter Gregerson was baptized at the First Baptist Church of Gadsden,'I was informed his church is a 'church in friendly cooperation with the Southern Baptist Convention.'Chaos Erupts Over SBC Legal Filing in Louisville Abuse Lawsuit
By Bob Smietana October 26, 2023Pastor Mike Keahbone, center, leads prayer with the Southern Baptist Convention’s Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force during the SBC annual meeting at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, Wednesday, June 14, 2023. (RNS photo by Emily Kask)
'Abuse survivors, along with some members of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee and the SBC’s abuse reform task force, have denounced a Kentucky court filing by Southern Baptist entities aimed at limiting their liability for sexual abuse claims.
A brief filed earlier this year by lawyers for the Executive Committee, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Lifeway, an SBC publisher, argues that a Kentucky law that changed the statute of limitations for making civil claims over abuse — and allowing survivors to sue third parties such as churches or police — should not be applied retroactively.
“There are no mincing of words here. No holding back. This is disgusting,” abuse survivors Megan Lively, Jules Woodson and Tiffany Thigpen said in a statement released Wednesday.
A group of Southern Baptist leaders working on abuse reforms also criticized the brief, saying the filing was “a choice to stand against every survivor in Kentucky.”
“This brief, and the policy arguments made in it, were made without our knowledge and without our approval,” the statement read. “Moreover, they do not represent our values and positions.”
Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of “I Didn’t Survive: Emerging Whole After Deception, Persecution, and Hidden Abuse” by Naghmeh Abedini Panahi. To donate, click here.
Members of the Executive Committee, including Oklahoma pastor Mike Keahbone, expressed dismay at the brief, saying he and other members of the committee were blindsided by it. Keahbone, a member of a task force implementing abuse reforms in the SBC, said the brief undermined survivors such as Thigpen, Woodson and Lively, who have supported the reforms.
“We’ve had survivors that have been faithful to give us a chance,” he told Religion News Service in a phone interview. “And we hurt them badly.”
The controversy over the amicus brief is the latest crisis for leaders of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination, which has dealt with a revolving door of leaders and rising legal costs in the aftermath of a sexual abuse crisis in recent years...'observes... "The metaphorical equivalent of a boyfriend telling his girlfriend he loves her while he beats her." #ThisistheSBC #SBCtoo------------------------------------------------------------'That’s what makes it hurt so much, and that’s what makes me so disappointed in myself: I did, in fact, wind up hurting survivors by what I did.' - Southern Baptist president Bart Barber -
Is There Concrete Evidence That The Org. Has Covered up Child Abuse?
by Vanderhoven7 ini hear of a plenty of personal testimonies of abuse but it is harder to prove organizational complicity.
was a new boy
harder to prove organizational complicity
short on time? start 32:50
TODAY is my 56th anniversary of GOING TO PRISON as a Jehovah's Witness Conscientious Objector
by Terry inwhat happened to jehovah’s witness young men and why did it happen?______in the 1960s men of draft age were called upon to either serve in the military (during the vietnam war) or to comply with the alternate service option: serving in a hospital or community in need.. non-jehovah’s witnesses were faced with only one refusal: military service.jw boys and young men were instructed (in private) to refuse the alternate civilian service as well.
the superior authorities had made this exemption for people of conscience.the law was clear on this.
if we worked in a hospital community we would be free to go about our witnessing ministry - if we double-refused: we would languish in prison.a no-brainer to them.
was a new boy
Despite a JW Protest scheduled for October 31,
Another, separate protest is needed, (as the average JW knows nothing about this) highlighting one theme, like,
Never let them forget!In other words, the WT sacrificed them so the organization could claim persecution by the evil government.
But the GB wanted martyrs.
NotFormerAfter people like Terry sacrificed their youth and gained criminal records for themselves, the WT never acknowledged them or rewarded them in any way for their faithfulness. Then they quietly changed the rules...
We, the young JWs, had to be the brave ones while the older leaders cowered in their paradise on earth in Brooklyn. -
TODAY is my 56th anniversary of GOING TO PRISON as a Jehovah's Witness Conscientious Objector
by Terry inwhat happened to jehovah’s witness young men and why did it happen?______in the 1960s men of draft age were called upon to either serve in the military (during the vietnam war) or to comply with the alternate service option: serving in a hospital or community in need.. non-jehovah’s witnesses were faced with only one refusal: military service.jw boys and young men were instructed (in private) to refuse the alternate civilian service as well.
the superior authorities had made this exemption for people of conscience.the law was clear on this.
if we worked in a hospital community we would be free to go about our witnessing ministry - if we double-refused: we would languish in prison.a no-brainer to them.
was a new boy
Every one of us inside
were taken into the Kingdom Hall library respectively, and told what to say and do but strongly admonished
to NOT say we had been advised.What percentage of brothers in USA were told that? I was never told that.
Nixon stopped the draft a month before I was scheduled to appear.
Selena Vertolomo "The Mower" and her sister Sherrie call into The Six Screens TIME STAMP 2:53
by RESPECTFUL OBSERVER inselena vertolomo, former jehovah's witnesses who was sexually abused in watchtower, went to visit tony morris in north carolina.
selena and her sister call in and explain their position.
callers dial in from around the world and ask plenty of questions.
was a new boy
all in the name of Rutherford's messed up, evil blood doctrine!!
History of doctrine[edit]
From 1931,[62] when the name "Jehovah's witnesses" was adopted, Watch Tower Society publications maintained the view of Society founder Charles Taze Russell that the reference to abstaining from the eating of blood in the Apostolic Decree of Acts 15:19–29 was a "suggestion" to be given to Gentile converts.[63][64] Watch Tower publications during the presidency of Joseph Franklin Rutherford commended the commercial and emergency uses of blood.[65][66] ...
In 1944, with the Watch Tower Society under the administration of president Nathan Homer Knorr, The Watchtower asserted that the decrees contained in Genesis 9:4 and Leviticus 17:10–14 forbade the eating or drinking of blood in biblical times "whether by transfusion or by the mouth" and that this applied "in a spiritual way to the consecrated persons of good-will today, otherwise known as 'Jonadabs' of the Lord's 'other sheep'."[70] (gov. website)
Blood transfusions
Originally Allowed. Blood transfusions and donating blood for transfusion is commended (Golden Age 1925 July 29 p.683, Golden Age 1929 May 1 p.502, Consolation 1940 December 25 p.19)
1945 - Forbidden. Blood transfusions first stated as wrong (Watchtower 1945 July 1 p.198-201)
TODAY is my 56th anniversary of GOING TO PRISON as a Jehovah's Witness Conscientious Objector
by Terry inwhat happened to jehovah’s witness young men and why did it happen?______in the 1960s men of draft age were called upon to either serve in the military (during the vietnam war) or to comply with the alternate service option: serving in a hospital or community in need.. non-jehovah’s witnesses were faced with only one refusal: military service.jw boys and young men were instructed (in private) to refuse the alternate civilian service as well.
the superior authorities had made this exemption for people of conscience.the law was clear on this.
if we worked in a hospital community we would be free to go about our witnessing ministry - if we double-refused: we would languish in prison.a no-brainer to them.
was a new boy
1975: Did it happen the way we all remember it – or not??
Have you heard the term “gaslighting?”
Ray Franz didn't gaslight.
45 years ago, at the Annual Meeting where all GB members spoke, he apologized for 1975. The only one. They went like 1 1/2 hour overtime. I was there.
Not a word of his apology in the literature.
TODAY is my 56th anniversary of GOING TO PRISON as a Jehovah's Witness Conscientious Objector
by Terry inwhat happened to jehovah’s witness young men and why did it happen?______in the 1960s men of draft age were called upon to either serve in the military (during the vietnam war) or to comply with the alternate service option: serving in a hospital or community in need.. non-jehovah’s witnesses were faced with only one refusal: military service.jw boys and young men were instructed (in private) to refuse the alternate civilian service as well.
the superior authorities had made this exemption for people of conscience.the law was clear on this.
if we worked in a hospital community we would be free to go about our witnessing ministry - if we double-refused: we would languish in prison.a no-brainer to them.
was a new boy
Pasta Grannies love Cicci's chestnut trofie with parsley pesto!
'Retired dairy farmer Cicci, from the mountains of Ligura, shares her recipe for trofie using a mixture of chestnut and wheat flour.'
JW old books and mags selling hot on ebay
by JimmyYoung inso i have an eye out for a couple of the more nefarious jw books from the past.
i look on ebay etsy and others.
i see that the older books are selling for a good price.
was a new boy
In a conversation with Randy Watters, he admitted to me that the literature was destroyed.
RRPerhaps they've destroyed enough now.
Sale ends in an hour or so.
'1958 Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained book. Released at the 1958 Yankee Stadium Convention (Assembly as called in those days)
Funds collected for this item will go to World Wide Work or Infirm Medical Expenses for faithful old timers.'
Can borrow the book here.
If you love your life and freedom, stay away from your embassies.
by was a new boy ingerman authorities kidnap reiner fuellmich in mexico – interview with fuellmich and the covid investigation committee.
'on 2 october 2018, jamal khashoggi, a saudi dissident journalist, was killed by agents of the saudi government at the saudi consulate in istanbul, turkey'.
was a new boy
Soros owns like 10% of Vice.However, taz, is a cooperative-owned German daily newspaper administered by its employees and a co-operative of shareholders who invest in a free independent press.Gonna try the Jehovah's Witness technique that was used in Russia, I guess.translated:'Regarding the investigation, Fuellmich's lawyer Dagmar Schön told the German Press Agency: "It's all a lie" and "We will prove it."'Attorney Schön still thinks that her mandate will receive broad solidarity. She calls on people to send masses of letters to the prison. She told T-Online: "My dream is that after two weeks the collapse comes to the post office and they say, please fire this man."Time will tell.